Sunday, April 23, 2017

Album Review: Every Time I Die - Low Teens

This 2016 album by Buffalo, New York's Every Time I Die is one of metalcore/hardcore's most varied offerings of recent memory. This record does something a lot of bands struggle to do in this genre; It offers originality and individuality. Each song is it's own entity, with no dead weight, and no "filler tracks" anywhere to be find. Whether it's the laid back groove of "It Remembers" (featuring Panic! At The Disco's Brendon Urie), the eerie discordance of Fear and Trembling (feat. Tim Singer), or the southern tinged shredding on "I Didn't Want To Join Your Stupid Cult Anyway," every song has something completely fresh to offer. Low Teens is the logical expansion on ETID's previous album, From Parts Unknown (2014), pushing each aspect further, not rebuilding the genre or themselves, but definitely adding some freshness to their sound. Tight instrumentals, improved and incredibly deep lyricism, and the fury of a band that's got a lot more fire in it's belly makes it one of the best albums to come out this year. For fans of hardcore, metalcore, loud vocals, and/or intricate guitar work, I could not recommend this album any more.

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