Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Completely Biased Film Review - Wayne's World

Originally a skit on "Saturday Night Live" during the late '80s and early '90s, Wayne's World is about two dudes in Aurora, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago... excellent) who host a public access TV show. In the film, Wayne and Garth (portrayed by Mike Myers and Dana Carvey, respectively), go see Crucial Taunt at the local Gasworks, and Wayne falls completely in love bassist/vocalist Cassandra (Tia Carrere), because well, she's a babe! Schwing! Wayne spends the rest of the movie trying to get Cassandra to fall in love with him while simultaneously dealing with the sleazy TV producer Benjamin (Rob Lowe) who tries to screw them over, force them to sell out, and steal Cassandra from Wayne. The film, written by Mike Myers is chock full of ridiculous situations, amusing details, hysterical fourth wall breaks, and hilarious dialogue. Myers and Carvey both have perfect comedic timing, and they create colorful characters who are always absolutely hilarious. Their look, the way they talk, and how they comment on the action directly into the camera is just incredible. Rob Lowe is fantastic at making Benjamin into a totally loathable ass kisser, and Tia Carrere is both sexy and hilarious. Wayne’s World is one of my favorite movies ever, as it’s one of those comedies that I don’t ever get tired of watching. I've seen it countless times and I still find myself laughing way too hard and quoting every line. This movie is completely dumb, but it’s supposed to be. I really could not recommend this film any more. Party on, Wayne!

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