Monday, April 24, 2017

Ad Review: Gatorade - "Be Like Mike"

This 1992 Gatorade advertisement featuring Michael Jordan is simply iconic. The little "Be Like Mike" jingle, the clips of MJ on court, the clips of "regular people" emulating Michael, and the clever product placement all add to a final product of a fantastic commercial. This commercial could, and did, really catch the attention of basketball fans, and regular people alike, because let's be honest, Michael Jordan was THE guy in the '90s. Even though I was too young to experience MJ in his prime, it's pretty much gospel that he's the greatest basketball player of all time, and anything featuring him would skyrocket in sales. I mean, Space Jam was a hit, and that movie is incredibly corny. But, it has MJ, and Bill Murray and the Looney Tunes, but mainly MJ, and it's now a classic. So is this commercial. I don't have the actual numbers but I'm willing to bet that Gatorade's stock rose immensely after this commercial made its debut, and 25 years after its release, it still stands up as one of the best of all time, a title fitting of anything featuring Michael Jordan.

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