Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Short Summary - Media Journal

This assignment made me realize that as a 20 year-old in America, I use the media almost constantly. Whether it be through checking social media accounts out of boredom, watching sports, checking sports news, listening to music and/or podcasts, media use is almost a constant occurrence for me. I wish it weren't but it is. I can't escape it, even if I tried. I usually wake up and immediately unlock my phone to see if someone died or got traded overnight, and immediately open up an app to occupy my attention while I get ready to start my day. It’s surprising how often I pull out my phone absentmindedly and scroll through Twitter, not looking for any specific tweet, just scrolling. Between that, reading hockey news, doing homework online, and working on designs in Illustrator, it’s a wonder that I have any time to even speak to my family. This assignment has taught me that constantly being engrossed in the media, social or not, can be potentially damaging. I mean, you never know what’s going on right in front of you while your face is buried in your phone or laptop looking at dumb memes. Maybe from now on, I’ll be more careful about my media usage. Maybe I won’t scroll and tap during a lecture, but instead actually pay attention to what the professor is saying. Maybe not, but I'll definitely try.

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