Monday, February 6, 2017

Welcome to What The Puck?

Congrats; you found it. Whether you deliberately searched for my little corner of the internet, or you just happened onto it, thanks for stopping by. Let me introduce myself... Hi, my name's Conner. I'm a Computer Graphics major at FCC, hoping to get into the field of logo and uniform design. A dream job, for me, would be designing a new logo/uniform for either an NHL team or an MLB team. Other than designing logos and such, I spend most of my time watching hockey (hence the title of this very blog) and baseball, listening to punk rock, and collecting vinyl records. I love Forrest Gump. It's the greatest film ever made. That's fine if you disagree but you're wrong. Wayne's World is sick, too. And The Shining. So is Quentin Tarantino. That's not a film but whatever. Alright, I'm gunna stop rambling. Thanks again for stopping by!